Comments on: Running marketing like lean software development Marketing Technology Management Wed, 31 Oct 2018 13:15:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Brain IT Rate Wed, 31 Oct 2018 13:15:19 +0000 I do find it amusing that every industry type feels the need to put their “industry” in front of the word Agile. “We’re doing AgencyAgile” or “Oh we tried Agile and it didn’t work so we’re now doing a DigitalAgile transformation” I laugh (in a kind way) because the way I see it, nothing in each of these “Agile” implementations is special, specific or different. It’s just Agile. The whole point in an agile framework is that….well………it enhances agility.]]> Very interesting post 🙂

I do find it amusing that every industry type feels the need to put their “industry” in front of the word Agile.
“We’re doing AgencyAgile” or “Oh we tried Agile and it didn’t work so we’re now doing a DigitalAgile transformation”

I laugh (in a kind way) because the way I see it, nothing in each of these “Agile” implementations is special, specific or different. It’s just Agile. The whole point in an agile framework is that….well………it enhances agility.

By: Monica (@MonGeorgieff) Mon, 19 Sep 2016 08:03:11 +0000 Just want to address the comment above for a moment.
Kanban is actually one of the methods that allows teams (of any kind) to thrive on innovation and flexibility unlike other more rigid formats. Bringing data or structure into the equation of a marketing process isn’t limiting at all. In fact, it’s freeing, because it shows you which experiments have a high chance of being positive game changers and which might not be worth pursuing.

Thanks for taking the time to read my article and for you feedback!

By: strategyaudit Sat, 17 Sep 2016 03:42:29 +0000 Interesting that we now have a tool that seeks to remove the opportunity that comes from the random event, the interesting anomaly, the creativity that comes form ‘thinking’ about a problem.
I am all in favour of systematising the processes by which we get stuff done, but there is a tipping point, a point after which we compromise the ability to innovate. Unless there is a supporting culture and system that forces the process improvement, as the is in the TPS systems, we just end up with the same stuff over and over. In some circumstances, this is exactly what we want, and in some it is the opposite of what we want.
Beware of tools that systematise marketing thinking as distinct from the processes of applying and leveraging that thinking.
